What You Get When You Join

Online Money Magic

Access to an Exclusive Community

Access to a private community for 6 months. Receive regular support from a community focussed on change without the struggle

10 Weeks of Live Coaching Calls

To set you up for clarity and success on your journey Michelle and her teamwill hold 10 weeks of online group calls where you can get your personal questions answered. 


Online Portal

Access to various change patterns over 6 months to continually resolve unconscious blocks, old patterns and limitations around money. 

Money Magic Toolkit

The online portal comes with A toolkit of worksheets and activities to assist you in creating new automatic patterns and habits that naturally bring about more satisfaction and success with money and finances.

What You Get When You Join

Online Money Magic

Access to an Exclusive Community

Access to a private community for 6 months. Receive regular support from a community focussed on change without the struggle

10 Weeks of Live Coaching Calls

To set you up for clarity and success on your journey Michelle and her teamwill hold 10 weeks of online group calls where you can get your personal questions answered. 

Online Portal

Access to various change patterns over 6 months to continually resolve unconscious blocks, old patterns and limitations around money. 

Money Magic Toolkit

The online portal comes with A toolkit of worksheets and activities to assist you in creating new automatic patterns and habits that naturally bring about more satisfaction and success with money and finances.

The tools and experiences in this workshop have created amazing shifts & results for participants all over the world


See, hear and feel some of what you can experience at a Money Magic workshop with Michelle Masters. 

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Limited spots!

Online Money Magic starts on September 13th. Join now!









Unlike your phone,

your brain is not designed to update itself... most of you automatic patterning and beliefs are old and out of date.

Willpower involves using tremendous force or focus to manually override the automatic patterns that are already running. The amount of energy needed to maintain that kind of manual override is not sustainable for any length of time. 

When willpower stops, or fades, or that energy or focus are required elsewhere, the original automatic pattern resumes...

...sometimes with compound interest.

When an automatic (or unconscious) pattern is revised to something more desirable, then NO willpower is required. 

It’s like re-writing software! When you know the language the software was written in, you can re-write it.

Then the new software will run automatically, just as the old programming did.

But Online Money Magic IS NOT for everyone

X- Not for people

  • looking for stock tips, action items or strategies. 

X - It is for people who 

  • want an easier, happier and richer experience of themselves, life and money.

What is Online Money Magic actually about?

Learn & uncover in 10 weeks what others take a lifetime to resolve & experience


✔ Get Clear on what You Really Want

Discover Subconscious Patterns that are in Your Way

Revise Conscious/Subconscious Patterns so that You naturally Have More of What You Want

Learn what Your Relationship to Money is

Harness the Phenomenal Power of your Subconscious to help Create What You Want

Expand Your Sense of Your True Worth

Revise Old Beliefs

 Magic Host & Trainer 

Michelle Masters


Since 1995 Michelle has been teaching and leading workshops, working with clients, students, and organization on 6 continents, all to create change and remove blocks to success, love, health and well-being. 

Her work is a unique blend of neuroscience, family systems (constellation) work, and quantum-based healing modalities.

Michelle has been tagged “the coaches coach” because so many of the world’s top coaches and transformational speakers have worked with her.. 

When your subconscious beliefs are in alignment with your conscious desires and dreams, then magic is almost inevitable.

Online Money Magic starts on September 13th. Join now!

Struggle is a waste of your time, energy and spirit

Creating real change in your life & finances does not have to be a struggle, it can be a joyful, sublime experience



Waking up everyday and going through your list of positive Affirmations hoping they stick

Pretending you are rich and have it all

X Setting goals and pushing yourself to achieve them, beating yourself up when you don't.

Trying way too hard to figure out how to make things work and grow.

X Attending seminar after seminar, going home and implementing all the work 



Going through some change patterns that rewire old unconscious beliefs.

Doing nothing noticeably different after the course and having things shift and line up in magical ways.

✔ Having opportunities and growth show up in surprising and delightful ways.

✔ Feeling lighter within yourself, and in life generally.

✔ Feeling freer and happier while noticing results you always wanted start appearing  almost "out of thin air"


Owner of Ike's Place tells how his business went from $300,000 to $3,000,000

in the first year after Money Magic, and then to turning down offers

of $100,000,000 for his business.

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 Struggles others have been faced with

Attending Online Money Magic has changed these struggles for other attendees and replaced them with new, more joyful experiences

"In the week after doing the course my income went up 500%. And I wasn't doing anything. I was just sitting around in my pajamas and people kept calling me and asking how they could work with me."

Where there used to be self doubt and anxiety, there can be a lot more lightness and presence.

"I used to have to go out and find money. Now it finds me." 


Where there used to be a lot of struggle and effort, now there can be a lot more synchronicity and ease 

"In the 6 months after the course I was making exactly the same amount of money, but somehow I was able to buy the things I wanted now, pay my bills and still have money left over at the end of the month"

Where there used to be never enough, or a constant struggle, there can be an abundance in many ways

Creating a magnificent life is what you came here to do!


Online Money Magic starts on September 13th. Join now!









Frequently Asked Questions